Okay, when asking the question, “do you think people are ruder today than, say, ten years ago” I always (yes, always) receive the YES response. So that begs the follow-up question – do you believe yourself to be rude…? Wide-eyed, head-shaking “NO” is the response often accompanied by the demure, not “moi!”
So if when asked, no one believes themselves to be rude, then who and where are these rude individuals? People lament the increased rude behaviors they experience in their everyday lives, but no one considers themselves culpable. Hmmm…!
I maintain that we all slip from time to time and add a little to the pile of misbehavior classified as rude. And believe me, as a lecturer on etiquette, people give me no excuses – nada! My children are incredibly delighted if they catch me in a breach of the protocols in which I instructed them!
Shall we take a step back and install our mindful buttons so that it becomes a habit to be kind, courteous, and thoughtful individuals from now on? As with all behaviors…when repeated and validated, they stick!
I draw upon others to inspire me, too. The late, Maya Angelou who remains ageless with her wisdom, is my go-to for inspiration! Her overwhelmingly positive approach to life is awe-inspiring!
My favorite quote of Maya Angelou’s is, “when people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”
With that in mind, let’s be mindful of showing people who we are by taking greater care and paying greater attention to our everyday impact on each other.
So soon, when asked the question, “are people ruder today than before” you can respond in earnest, “no, I believe we are collectively trying not to be, and it begins with me.”