Feeling impatient… a lot? Well, you are far from alone! And I’m right in the mix with you, so let’s examine what’s going on, shall we?
Here are a few of my thoughts as well as observations… plus a few recommendations I’m tossing in for good measure:
People are more overwhelmed than ever…having stated that, it doesn’t give a free pass to act out impatiently – agreed?
Often the explanation of being “busy” is supposed to placate the impatient person as you attempt to delay their request – rest assured, no one is satisfied with that response and the impatient person now also feels unceremoniously dismissed
As multi-tasking has become a way of life, people often frustrate themselves and yes, heighten their impatience by juggling too much – perhaps taking a moment to prioritize would help…I use a simple A, B, C daily priority task list
Meetings start late, end late which only exacerbates the overall time constraints as the level of impatience rises – this issue is an easy fix, but requires focus, a pre-communicated agenda and assertive behavior that keeps the meeting on target
Put 5-10 minute breathers on your agenda to afford yourself opportunities to refocus and decompress – maybe a quick walk outside or a latte is what you need to soothe feelings of impatience (works for me!)
Listen to your tone of voice and your email tone, too – do you sound civil and approachable or does your impatience override your professionalism?
When feeling impatient, put it into perspective – is it really worth your health (and safety as you try to teach them a lesson) to lose it over the person who cut you off on the freeway?
Include kindness in all communication – impatience will disappear…I promise!
I never said this would be easy, but becoming more mindful of your impatience and the subsequent behaviors, will require full accountability on your part, my part…each of us!
As always, I enjoy your commentary… please join in with your thoughts on twitter @dtnetiquette.